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Discovery of a Cancer Biomarker by
Researchers of the Rosalind & Morris
Goodman Cancer Institute

Researchers at the Goodman Cancer Center (formerly, the McGill Cancer Center) were the first to discover a cancer biomarker and have been studying it, and members of its gene family for many years.

Here we recount the work of investigators Dr. Phil Gold, Dr. Cliff Stanners and Dr. Nicole Beauchemin.


Discovery of a Cancer Biomarker by Researchers of the Rosalind & Morris Goodman Cancer Institute
Artistic Rendering of a cancerous tumor

About Dr. Sonenberg’s high
impact research

mRNA vaccines are a breakthrough in science innovation demonstrating the speed and flexibility to respond to a global pandemic. A huge support for this scientific advance was the years and decades of basic fundamental science research applied to our understanding of mRNA, how it is made (transcribed) and how in turn it is read and made into proteins (translated). Dr. Nahum Sonenberg contributions to research in cancer biology with his approach to mRNA were incorporated into this complex effort.


About Dr. Sonenberg’s high impact research

Identification and characterization of the MET oncogene by Prof. Morag Park

During her career of over thirty years as an independent investigator, Morag Park has consistently made outstanding and vital contributions to our understanding of cancer. This remarkable trajectory began with her identification and characterization of a key oncogene, the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) MET, as a post-doctoral fellow.



Prof. William Muller's Genetically Engineered Mouse Models for Breast Cancer Research

Prof. Muller’s independent career of over 30 years has been distinguished by many outstanding scientific discoveries and contributions. Above all, however, Prof. Muller is a trailblazer who was instrumental in establishing the field of genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) of breast cancer. These vital tools, shared widely by Prof. Muller with colleagues around the world, have proven to be indispensable for understanding breast cancer at the molecular, cellular and organismal levels


Prof. Vincent Giguère's pioneering in the field of endocrinology and nuclear receptors

Prof. Giguère is recognized as a pioneer and a global leader in the field of molecular endocrinology. His identification of some of the most important nuclear receptors, which are transcriptional regulators occupying a central position in normal mammalian development and physiology, as well as being strongly implicated in many diseases, laid the groundwork for decades of subsequent discovery.
