Logo Rosalind & Morris Goodman Cancer Institute
Support our researchers Help them propel their lifesaving work

Support our researchers
Help them propel their
lifesaving work


Thomas Duchaine

The support of our donors makes an immense difference. Not only are they providing us with the resources we need to pursue our work but they also give us extra encouragement to push ourselves.

Thomas Duchaine

Researcher studying the mechanisms of RNA interference in cancer development

for a Cure

Supporting researchers as they pioneer together towards new scientific breakthroughs in the fight against cancer is the ultimate gift.

To make the biggest impact, the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute (GCI) collaborates with experts worldwide. This works to ensure that the GCI remains on the cutting edge with respect to technology, development and the recruitment of the best and brightest scientists. Financially supporting these partnerships makes a difference in how far we can reach.

The GCI has built several world-class research facilities that are critical for the work performed, not only by the in-house scientists, but also to the Montreal research community at large. Personnel with the highest level of expertise manage and maintain state-of-the-art infrastructure and plan operating budgets that allow new equipment to be purchased. Funding recruitment and new technologies truly help achieve even greater impacts on patient care and allow clinicians to better communicate with patients, particularly when time is short.

Join us in building this today in order to develop the lifesaving therapies that help patients tomorrow and in the future.

Donate now

Collaborate for a Cure

How your donations
support our researchers


State-of-the-Art Equipment

Gets us closer to the answer faster.

There is no time to waste. We need to work fast when lives are at stake. Advanced equipment helps us do that.



Create better partnerships.

Knowledge sharing through collaboration is what you will inspire when you donate to expanding networks and building relationships.


Support for Researchers

Pushes innovative research forward.

Support critical "high-risk, high-reward" projects that are difficult to fund through traditional funding mechanisms.

Organize your own private tour

Come on in, we’d love
to say hello!

Meet our researchers and see the impact of your donation. If you would like to arrange a visit, donate onsite, or discuss your funding options. Simply complete the form above and we will get in touch with you to organize your private tour of the Institute.

Come on in, we’d love to say hello!

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to our mission?

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