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The GCI Shows Support at the 2024 Terry Fox Run

Members of the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute (GCI) joined our community in showing support for the Terry Fox Foundation at the 2024 Montreal Terry Fox Run. The Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) funds many GCI investigators and their collaborators through the Program Project Grant in Oncometabolism. In addition, the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network (MOHCCN), a pan-Canadian TFRI initiative, funds several studies led by GCI researchers aimed at profiling cancer patients’ genomes.    GCI researchers joined the MOHCCN-Quebec and Oncometabolism project teams, which both surpassed their fundraising goals through the support of donors and fundraising initiatives led by the Goodman Cancer Student Society.

Research initiatives at the GCI supported by the TFRI include a Program Project Grant to target metabolic vulnerabilities in cancer, led by Peter Siegel. This oncometabolism project is also supported by GCI investigators Vincent Giguère, Bill Muller, Arnim Pause, Nahum Sonenberg, Daniela Quail, Lawrence Kazak and Daina Avizionis. The TFRI has also awarded a New Investigator Award to GCI investigator Lawrence Kazak, supporting his aim to study energy metabolism in breast cancer.

Additionally, several GCI principal investigators are project leads with the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network. Morag Park, director of the GCI, leads several MOHCCN projects, including a pan-Canadian initiative to investigate rare and aggressive breast cancers. Investigator Ian Watson receives MOHCCN support for projects including a study to determine optimal immunotherapy strategies for melanoma patients. Investigator George Zogopoulos leads a number of initiatives including a trial which aims to guide personalized medicine for pancreatic cancer. Logan Walsh is a project leader in a pan-Canadian project to bring precision immunotherapy based treatments to lung cancer patients.

The participation of the GCI community in the 2024 Montreal Terry Fox Run exemplifies our commitment to advancing cancer research and supporting patients. With the support of the TFRI and ongoing collaborations within the MOHCCN, GCI researchers are at the forefront of efforts to make significant strides in the fight against cancer and find the knowledge to cure this disease.

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