Logo Rosalind & Morris Goodman Cancer Institute

Recruitment at the
Rosalind & Morris
Goodman Cancer Institute


GCI Undergraduate Awards
Application form

Please take note that the following attachments must accompany your application:
  • PDF application file
    1. The documents listed below must be submitted, in the following sequence, in a single PDF file.
    2. Please name your Application File using your: lastname_firstname_Canderelsummer_YEAR).
    3. Title page that includes student’s full name, undergraduate status, name of the proposed supervisor, and project title
    4. Project title and summary (maximum 1 page) written by the candidate
    5. Letter of Support for from proposed supervisor
    6. CV
    7. Copy of academic transcript
  • Layman's summary
  • High resolution photo
  • Statement of release providing us with written permission to use your photo in communications material

General information