Logo Rosalind & Morris Goodman Cancer Institute

Oct 23, 2024

Location ABCanada

"Visualizing Immunity – Insights from Multiplex Dynamic and Static Tissue-scale Imaging" will be presented by Dr. Ronald Germain, MD,  PhD, Director, Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging (CAT-I), NIH, NIAID.

EToH Seminar

EToH Seminar

Visualizing Immunity – Insights from Multiplex Dynamic and Static Tissue-scale Imaging

Dr. Ronald Germain, MD,  PhD, Director, Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging (CAT-I), NIH, NIAID

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024 at 15:30. Room 521, McIntyre Building.

The Emerging Topics in Health (EToH) seminar series is cohosted by the Departments of Microbiology and Immunology, Physiology and Human Genetics, the Goodman Cancer Institute (GCI), the McGill University Research Centre on Complex Traits (MRCCT), and M[i]4. The organizers invite guest speakers to talk about their current research. This seminar series is part of the Current Topics & Seminars course and is open for attendance by MIMM students and all interested individuals.