Logo Institut du cancer Rosalind & Morris Goodman

Programme scientifique






Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Hall du 5ème étage







Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Salle 504

Président de séance : Peter Siegel


"The expanding translational universe of the GLP-1 system

Daniel Drucker, Gairdner Laureate, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute


"Energy balance, diet-regulated hormones, and cancer"

Michael Pollak, Departments of  Medicine and Oncology, McGill University and Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research


Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Hall du 5ème étage



Pause café et séance d'affiches




Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Salle 504

Président de séance : Peter Siegel


"Dysregulation of amino acid and sphingolipid metabolism in co-morbidities of diabetes"

Christian Metallo, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies


"Impact of Lifestyle on Brain-Body Communication"

Filip Swirski, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City


Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Hall du 5ème étage



Dîner et séance d'affiches




Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Salle 504

Président de séance : Maia Kokoeva


"Obesity Causes and Treatment: The End of the Beginning"

Jeffrey Friedman, Rockefeller University


"How does the brain talk to the liver?"

Alexandre Caron, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Laval


Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Hall du 5ème étage



Pause café et séance d'affiches




Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Salle 504

Président de séance : Peter Siegel


"Dissecting disease-mediated dysregulation of gut-brain circuits"

Lisa Beutler, Northwestern University


Présentation laïque: Understanding Why We Eat What We Eat? 

Dana Small, Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, and of Psychology, McGill University AND Department of Medicine, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center (RI-MUHC)

Présentation laïque: Is Rising Uncertainty Caused by Sensed Versus Metabolized Nutrients Contributing to the Obesity Epidemic?

Mark Schatzker, Writer in Residence, Modern Diet and Physiology Research Centre, McGill University

Présentation laïque: Concerns About Processed Foods

Joe Schwarcz, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Director, Office for Science and Society, McGill University





Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Hall du 5ème étage







Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Salle 504

Président de séance : Lisa Beutler


"Novel mechanisms of energy dissipation: quantitative contribution and activation mechanism"

Lawrence Kazak, Department of Biochemistry, McGill University and Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute


 "Immunometabolic regulation of mood and motivation"

Stephanie Fulton, Université de Montréal


"Deciphering Thermogenic Adipose Tissue from Inside-Out"

Yu-Hua Tseng, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School


Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Hall du 5ème étage



Pause café et séance d'affiche




Bâtiment médical McIntyre

Salle 504

Président de séance : Lisa Beutler


"Legacy Effects of Cold Exposure on Adipose Tissue Plasticity"


Rana Gupta, Duke University School of Medicine


"Mesenchymal progenitor cells and adipose tissue remodeling"


Patrick Seale, University of Pennsylvania


Atrium du 5e étage de l'ICG



Dîner et rencontre et accueil




Atrium du bâtiment Bellini

Président de séance : Lawrence Kazak


"Fuelling cancer progression through the myeloid compartment"


Daniela Quail, Department of Physiology, McGill University and Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute


"The power of ONE: Immunology in the age of spatial and single cell genomics"


Ido Amit, The Weizmann Institute of Science


"Diet-dependent tumor addictions in prostate cancer: A basis to precision nutrition strategies?"


David Labbé, Department of Surgery, McGill University and Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


"Obesity-induced neuroinflammtion and leptin signaling"

Maia Kokoeva, McGill University and Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre



Atrium du bâtiment Bellini



Remarques finales




Fin de l'événement








Conférenciers invités


The expanding translational universe of the GLP-1 system

Daniel Drucker, M.D., University of Toronto

Gairdner laureate and plenary lecture presenter


Dysregulation of amino acid and sphingolipid metabolism in co-morbidities of diabetes

Christian Metallo, Ph.D., The Salk Institute for Biological Studies


Diet-dependent tumor addictions in prostate cancer: A basis to precision nutrition strategies?

David Labbé, Ph.D., Department of Surgery, McGill University and Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


Understanding Why We Eat What We Eat?

Dana Small, Ph.D., Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, and of Psychology, McGill University AND Department of Medicine, Research Institute of the McGill University Health


Concerns About Processed Foods

Joe Schwarcz, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Director, Office for Science and Society, McGill University


Deciphering Thermogenic Adipose Tissue from Inside-Out

Yu-Hua Tseng, Ph.D., Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School


Mesenchymal progenitor cells and adipose tissue remodeling

Patrick Seale, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania


The power of ONE: Immunology in the age of spatial and single cell genomics

Ido Amit, Ph.D., The Weizmann Institute of Science


Immunometabolic regulation of mood and motivation

Stephanie Fulton, Ph.D., Université de Montréal



Obesity-induced neuroinflammtion and leptin signaling

Maia Kokoeva, Ph.D., McGill University and  Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre

Obesity Causes and Treatment: The End of the Beginning

Jeffrey Friedman, M.D., Ph.D., Rockfeller University

Gairdner laureate and plenary lecture presenter


Dissecting disease-mediated dysregulation of gut-brain circuits

Lisa Beutler, M.D., Ph.D., Northwestern University


Novel mechanisms of energy dissipation: quantitative contribution and activation mechanism

Lawrence Kazak, Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry, McGill University and Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute


Is Rising Uncertainty Caused by Sensed Versus Metabolized Nutrients Contributing to the Obesity Epidemic?

Mark Schatzker, Writer in Residence, Modern Diet and Physiology Research Centre, McGill University


How does the brain talk to the liver?

Alexandre Caron, Ph.D., Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Laval


Legacy Effects of Cold Exposure on Adipose Tissue Plasticity

Rana Gupta, Ph.D., Duke University School of Medicine


Impact of Lifestyle on Brain-Body Communication

Filip Swirski, Ph.D., Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City


Fuelling cancer progression through the myeloid compartment

Daniela Quail, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, McGill University and Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute


Energy balance, diet-regulated hormones, and cancer

Michael Pollak, M.D., Professor, Departments of Oncology, Medicine, and Pharmacology, McGill University

Investigator, Lady Davis Research Institute of the Jewish General Hospital 

Member, Segal Cancer Centre and Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute, Montreal